How does Ajit Transport Inc improve its fleet efficiency?


In its three decades of service delivery, Ajit Transport Inc (ATI) has evolved its processes by learning from experiences and keeping pace with changing times. That is why when it comes to improving the efficiency of our fleet we follow a multi-pronged approach. If you are a fleet owner in Canada, then we provide the best fleet services near you. Behind the scenes of this service, we have invested in many related aspects that help in improving our fleet performance. This has led to some key learnings from our experience.

They are as follows:

1. Use of Telematics for efficient fleet management

Telematics can be used for efficient fleet management by providing real-time data such as vehicle location, speed, fuel consumption, and driver behavior. This data can be used to optimize routes and reduce fuel costs, identify potential safety risks, and improve driver compliance with safety regulations. Telematics can also be used to monitor the performance of individual vehicles and equipment, as well as to track maintenance and repairs. In addition, telematics can provide real-time feedback to drivers regarding their performance, helping to improve driver engagement and reduce costly accidents. ATI has the best telematic system in place for its fleet. 

2. Regular maintenance of vehicles for better fleet management

When regular maintenance of vehicles is not done, it can aggravate minor problems into major ones. Keeping a check on a vehicle’s performance for its technical functionalities needs an efficient team of maintenance experts. ATI has the most capable team to look after its fleet, which also provides truck maintenance services to different clients.

Investing in improving driver performance

Merely taking care of the vehicle and not understanding the problems of your drivers could lead to great inefficiencies. It is important to monitor your drivers with the latest technologies such as GPS Tracking. The data from such technology can be used to improve routes and errors in navigation. Similarly, a robust training program for drivers can ensure that they are confident about any eventualities. Driver behavior should also be monitored and customer reviews be given importance. Efficient and good drivers should be given incentives.

4. Investing in Fleet Management Software

There are several advantages of investing in fleet management software such as efficient trip planning, real-time monitoring, keeping track of maintenance and repair, keeping track of fuel, and providing automated reports for making informed decisions.

5. Fleet Reporting and Analytics

Developing insights on performance, cost and utilization can take place when a history of data is maintained by the fleet management software. These help make informed decisions by learning from past experiences. This is how ATI develops its fleet management strategy.

All the above-mentioned points highlight the major takeaways from the vast experience that ATI has in the field of fleet management. But it is necessary to state that we are open to new ideas and innovations in this area and are constantly evolving ourselves to achieve the ultimate goal- the satisfaction of our clients.

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